Table Profit for Aadu Magadu Ra Bujji!

Table Profit for Aadu Magadu Ra Bujji!
Aadu Magadu Ra Bujji!

It is often an uphill task for small films to survive. On 9 out 10 occasions, they end up as losses and many of them even do not see the light. But Sudhir Babu’s Aadu Magadu Ra Bujji managed to get table profit. The movie was made out of a budget of 7.75 Crore and the movie was sold for 11 Crore. The makers are yet to sell the TV rights of the movie. Gemini TV is quoting 1.75 Crore. So, in all probability, 5 Crore table profit is already on cards which is a significant achievement for a small movie.
Aadu Magadu ra bujji is all set to hit the screens on December 7th. Sudhir Babu is sporting a well chiseled 6 pack body in the movie which the makers say is the major highlight of the film.

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